Tama S.L.P. 14" x 6.5" Sonic Stainless Steel (LSS1465)
Pearl 14" x 6.5" Duoluxe Chrome Over Brass Snare Drum - 2nd Hand
Second Hand Just Arrived
Pearl 14"x 5" Sensitone Heritage Alloy Aluminum Snare Drum
For dry, focused tonal personality. Seamless Shell!
Pearl 14"x 6.5" Sensitone Heritage Alloy Aluminum Snare Drum
For dry, focused tonal personality. Seamless Shell!
Mapex Black Panther PREDATOR 14"x 6" Copper Snare Drum BPNBR4551CN
Mapex Black Panther ATOMIZER 14"x 6.5" Aluminium Snare Drum BPNBR4551CN
Gretsch USA Brooklyn 14x5.5in Chrome Over Steel Snare
Yamaha Recording Custom 13" x 6.5" Brass Snare Drum - RRS1365
was £469.00
out of stock
Mapex Black Panther PERSUADER 14"x6.5" Hammered Brass Snare drum BPNBR465HCN
Yamaha Recording Custom 14" x 5.5" Aluminum Snare Drum - RAS1455
was £499.00
out of stock
Tama S.L.P. 14"x 6.5" Black Brass Snare Drum (LBR1465)
Yamaha Recording Custom 14" x 5.5" Stainless Steel Snare Drum - RLS1455
Yamaha Recording Custom 14" x 5.5" Brass Snare Drum - RRS1455
0% Finance
Yamaha Recording Custom 14" x 6.5" Aluminum Snare Drum - RAS1465
was £519.00
Yamaha Recording Custom 14" x 6.5" Brass Snare Drum - RRS1465
0% Finance
Yamaha Recording Custom 14" x 7" Stainless Steel Snare Drum - RLS1470
Amazing Sounding Drum!
was £549.00
Pearl Signature Ian Paice 14" x 6.5" Snare
Ludwig LM405C 14 x 6.5 Acrolite Classic Snare Drum
Ludwig LM400 Supra-phonic 14 x 5 Classic Lug Snaredrum
was £704.00
Ludwig LM405K 14 x 6.5 Acrolite Hammered Snare Drum
Ludwig LM402 Snare Drum Supra-phonic 14 x 6.5 Classic Lug
*PRICE HOLD -One of the World's Best Selling 14 x 6.5 Snaredrums
was £743.00
ds Drums 14" x 6" Seamless Brass Snare Drum *Ex Demo*
was £827.00
Ludwig LM400K 14x5 Hammered Supraphonic Classic Snare Drum
Ludwig LB464R 14″ x 6.5″ Raw Brass Phonic Snare Drum
was £849.00