Remo Ring Control - For Bass/Kick Drums
For Partial muffling
Evans 14" Hydraulic UV Coated Snare Drum Heads
Coated version for Snare - Available in Red, Blue or Black
Remo Renaissance Ambassador Drum Heads - Snare, Tom & Bass Drums
Renaissance Coating [1 Ply]
Remo Emperor RENAISSANCE Snare & Tom Tom Drum Heads
Remo Ebony Ambassador Drum Heads
[1 Ply]
Remo Emperor Black Suede Drum Heads
Evans 14" EC2 Coated SST Batter Head
Remo Powerstroke.77 Colortone Drum Heads
Various Colours Available - 13" and 14" sizes
Tama Speed Cobra CB900AS Accu Strike Beater
Pearl Resonant/Display Bass Drum Head [White]
White Coated with Dampening Ring w/ Logo
Now Reduced
Big Fat Snare Drum Head - "The Original"
Instant Beefy Vintage Drum Sound for Snare and Toms
Big Fat Snare Drum Head - "Steve's Donut"
Remo 14" Powerstroke 77 Coated Drum Head P7-0114-C2
Roland PowerPly Mesh Heads
Pearl Resonant/Display Bass Drum Head [Black]
Ebony Black 1 Ply w/ Logo
Now Reduced
Remo Fiberskyn Diplomat Classic Fit Heads
Attack Proflex 1 No Overtone Bass Drum Heads
Single ply with tone control ring - Also Available Ported Resonant
Attack Proflex 1 Drumhead Packs
Single Ply Tom + Snare Packs
Remo Ambassador Bass Drum Heads
Coated & Clear [1 Ply]
Remo Silentstroke Bass Drum Heads
Remo Ambassador Bass/Kick Drum Heads (smooth white)
Smooth White Only [1 Ply]
Aquarian American Vintage Bass Drum Heads
Coated [1 Ply]
Remo Controlled Sound CS Dot Clear Bass Drum Heads
Clear [1 Ply] with Center Dot Patch
Evans db One Tom Batter Drum Heads
Innovative technology from Evans - Practice quietly but without losing the Tone!